Thursday, May 22, 2014

The storm is over! So we hope <3

After a bunch of stressful, disappointed and hard days we finally got a break.

Tim met with our lawyer for autumn yesterday, he expressed we really need to find a place where autumn can have her own or share a room with the baby stat....within 30 minutes I get a call from a low income apartment that I put our name on the waiting list four months ago. I could not believe it! 3 bedroom, 2 full bath 1,200 sq ft in the best neighborhood in north San Diego. We still need to jump through some hoops to call the place below home but it's looking good so far, a credit check is all that stands in our way. Tim only has bad credit from hospital bills so I HOPE that doesn't disqualify us.

Tim hasn't had work in over a week, he thought he was being laid off... Stressful considering my job ends in two weeks. We got a call from Tims cousin saying he starts at his company on Tuesday and will be making more money and working for family.

God is at work!

Tim has mediation this afternoon for custody over Autumn. We are hoping for an agreement to come to terms, doubtful but hopeful. If they can't come to an agreement then Tim will be fighting for full custody while his ex moves to Hawaii. I'll assume she will be fighting for the same, but we have god on our side, family and her whole life is here. We just want what is best for autumn, witch is both her parents, both her grandparents (that she is very attached to) and all her friends and school is here not in Hawaii.

I'm a firm believer in everything happens for a reason and its all going to work out. What goes around comes around. Until next time, I'll be pregnant and sassy <3 

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