Saturday, June 14, 2014

19 weeks

19 weeks, one week until I'm at the half way mark. Time is truly flying by!

I'm still looking for employment... I've had a few interviews, but due to the summer every high school student is a "nanny" and work for less. I have an interview Tuesday, so I'm crossing my fingers.

Yesterday, on the way to see my mid wife my car took a dump and now is in the shop until monday....I feel so lost without my car and has made for a boring slow weekend.

I pretty much have heart burn all the time, but all nausea has gone away...just tired and needing little cat naps.

We passed our credit check for our three bedroom apartment and put half the deposit next available apartment is ours!!! I hope someone gives notice this month, I want to start nesting! I've been going to child second hand stores just to check everything out and seems like I can get everything I need for baby on a tight budget, so we can 100% afford moving out and getting a new car eventually.

I've been looking up some classes, and they offer a class fully dedicated to cloth diapering... Something I never really thought about but may think about it if I know how to do it in the least gross way....I've only used disposable diapers but it seems like such a waist, and some new dippers have been giving babies chemical burns.

This blog has officially been all over the place, but I'm trying to multitask taking care of Autumn and trying not to go stir crazy with no car haha. Until next time, I'll be sassy and pregnant. 

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